[영작문] 다문화 국가로 가는 길

2022. 4. 12. 08:00대학 과제


    Way To Multi Culture Country

    According to the Korean national police agency statistics between 2000 and 2010, the strong crime rates of foreigners is higher than the strong offense rates of nationals and this rates are still increasing. For this reason, many Koreans have a negative awareness about the refugees. Nevertheless, in my opinion, Koreans should to accept the boat people because this is some kind of steps to go an advanced country like an U. S. A. If South Korea allow the DP(Democratic party) then Korea can have a two advantages, such as, obtain more populations and become to a multi culture country like a Canada. First, Korea can acquire the new working population that it is helpful for decreasing population rates and total taxes will be increase, so the government can build a new utilities or can renovate the old utilities and the government can use money for national welfare. In addition, if the refugees pay well the taxes then they can gain the citizenship and rights. Second, the nationals can meet other cultures, for example variety of foods, religions and other languages. The accommodation refugees are able to meet a wide range of foods like a Vancouver. Moreover, nationals can experience different type temples for the religious, for instance a buddhist temple, a catholic church and muslim temple. Further Koreans might make friends who speak different languages. Korea should pick up the refugees because this policy can bring more labors and a diversity cultures. In the future, this policy might create South Korea like a diversity culture country.

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